Terms & Conditions


These terms and conditions tell you information about us and the legal terms andconditions on which we, FLUIDITY FREERUN ACADEMY LTD (“Fluidity FreerunAcademy”) supply services to you and the participants in your booking.
We operate the website www.fluidityfreerun.co.uk. We are a Limited company registered inEngland and Wales under company number 09983054 with registered address“Unit G, ST. CATHERINES PARK, PENGAM ROAD, CARDIFF CF24 2RZ”
We operate the company ‘Fluidity Freerun Academy’ and are responsible for all legal andregulatory compliance and operation of the venue.Please note all bookings made via the website www.fluidityfreerunacademy.co.uk, over thephone or by email are made directly with Fluidity Freerun Academy LTD who operate the venue.
The resulting legal contract is between you and the Fluidity Freerun Academy LTD and issubject to these terms & conditions.
Any issues arising from any booking made by you through our website, over the phone, byemail or in the venue are the sole liability of Fluidity Freerun Academy.


The following is a list of copyright and trademark notices associated with brands andintellectual property found at each Site and on this website. Fluidity FreerunAcademy

  • The names, images and logos of Fluidity Freerun Academy as set out on this thiswebsite, are subject to copyright, design rights and trade marks and are the exclusiveproperty of Fluidity Freerun Academy . Nothing contained in these terms shall beconstrued as conferring by implication or otherwise any licence or right to use anytrademark, patent, design right or copyright on this website.This website contains materialwhich is produced by, owned by or licensed to the Fluidity Freerun Academy . This materialincludes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance, text and graphics.Reproduction is prohibited.
  • Under no circumstances will Fluidity Freerun Academy or any of their affiliatedcompanies be liable for any of the following losses (whether such losses were foreseen,foreseeable, known or otherwise): (a) loss of data; (b) loss of revenue or anticipated profits;(c) loss of business; (d) loss of opportunity; (e) loss of goodwill or injury to reputation; (f)losses suffered by third parties; or (g) any indirect, consequential, special or exemplarydamages arising from the use of this website or any Site regardless of the form of action.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, Fluidity Freerun Academy warrant that functions contained inthis website will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that thiswebsite or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs.


Fluidity Freerun Academy LTD provides access to a number of activities andproducts, which include, Parkour Classes (Little Ninjas, Youth Drop In, Teen Drop In,Mixed Structured Drop In Class, Adult Drop In Class, The Elements Course Level 1,The Elements Course Level 2, The Elements Course Level 3, The Elements CourseLevel 4, Home Education Class, Private Tuition (121’s), Adult Beginners Course andany other temporary pop-up course), Open sessions, Birthday parties (Open SessionParties, Coached Parties, Nerf Gun Parties), Novelty Event ‘Nerf Wars’, all considered‘the activities’. Climbing Elements, Rope Swing Elements, Foam Pit Elements andScaffold Bar elements on all areas of the facility (Wooden Structured areas, ConcreteStructured, Scaffolding Bar structure, Foam Pit Structure, Sprung floor element,Rope Swing, Floor Tiles and Front of House Seating area).

IThese are the terms and conditions that apply to you when you take part an Activity withFluidity Freerun Academy. Please ensure you and the participants included in the bookinghave read and understood these terms and conditions. **You should also check that thedetails of your booking are complete and accurate before you submit your booking. If youthink that you have made a mistake after you have submitted your booking, please contactthe relevant site you have booked at to discuss.

All participants/ legal guardian must check in at the reception desk on arrival.I agree as an adult participant, or the Parent/Legal Guardian of a minor participant (anyonecurrently under the legal age of 16) and in consideration of being permitted to participate inthe activities at the Fluidity Freerun Academy park, I give permission to be photographedand/or to record me or my children in connection with Fluidity Freerun Academy to use thephotography and/or recording solely for advertising and promotional purposes. I waive anyright to inspect or approve the use of the Photograph and/or Recording, and acknowledgeand agree that the rights granted to this release are without compensation of any kind.
If the participant is a minor (a person under the legal age of 16), I agree that this Release ofLiability and Assumption of Risk Agreement (“RELEASE”) is made on behalf of that minorparticipant and that all of the releases, waivers and promises herein are binding on thatminor participant. I represent that I have full authority as Parent or Legal Guardian of theminor participant to bind the minor participant to these Terms and Conditions.
By submitting your booking, you agree that the supply of the Activities by the FluidityFreerun Academy and your participation in the Activities is subject to these terms andconditions.No booking shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Fluidity Freerun Academyunless and until the booking has been accepted in writing by the Fluidity Freerun Academy,which will include the Fluidity Freerun Academy Licensee sending you an emailconfirmation of the booking.These terms and conditions also incorporate the terms of the Site Rules and Privacy Policy.
Fluidity Freerun Academy reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions and tomake changes to the Activities from time to time in order to comply with relevant changes inany laws or regulatory requirements. **


Our current admission policy is age 4+ for all visitors to the venue. There is no maximumage. Any child under the age of 7 needs to be accompanied on the premises with an adult,carer or guardian at all times.Participation in the Activities is not without risk as serious misuse could be fatal. Youacknowledge that the Activities can be dangerous with many inherent risks and hazards. Asa consequence personal injury, and sometimes fatality, can occur. You and all participantsin your booking voluntarily assume and accept all such risks and waive the right to sueFluidity Freerun Academy for any personal injury or fatality by agreeing to the Site Rules.All participants are required to agree to the Site Rules before participating in any Activity.

All participants will be directed to the Fluidity Freerun Academy Rules and Safety Brief by aFluidity Freerun Academy team member. This must be read/ listened too prior to engagingin any Activity.After being shown/ told/ instructed of the Fluidity Freerun Academy safety brief, participantswill not be individually supervised by a court monitor or any other Fluidity Freerun Academy personnel. Fluidity Freerun Academy will only supervise coached classes or the ‘activities'as listed above in section 3, a coaching ratio will be maintained.

You must arrive on time to your specified booking, anyone who attends late may be deniedaccess on the basis of missing vital warm ups within structured classes.You must be ready to fall on any obstacle or surface at anytime. There are a number ofreasons for falling the Fluidity Freerun Academy and many safety measures put in place tohelp reduce this risk. You take put in any other the activities and or sessions knowing thisand at your own risk.

People with special needs cannot participate in the activities unless they are accompaniedby a parent, guardian, responsible adult or appropriate carer.The parent, guardian, responsible adult or carer must remain on site for anyoneunder 7 years of age or anyone with special needs. One adult is permitted tosupervise a maximum of ten under-12 year-olds. Fluidity Freerun Academypersonnel will not supervise children, regardless of the child’s age, or anyone withspecial needs at any time.

For participants under the age of 16 or participants who lack capacity, a parent, guardian,responsible adult or carer is required to understand and acknowledge the Site Rules onbehalf of the participant, stating that he or she will accept responsibility for the safety ofhimself or herself and for supervision of any children or anyone with special needs in his orher care. Such parent, guardian, responsible adult or carer will ensure that all participantsunder the age of 16 or who lack capacity have read and understood the Site Rules.The Activities are physically demanding and require a degree of strength, agility andstamina. All participants must be reasonably fit, in good health and free from any adversemedical condition. All participants are subject to the age and weight restrictions for eachActivity as are stated in the Fluidity Freerun Academy FAQ’s(www.fluidityfreerunacademy/faq ) at time of booking.

The weight limit for an individual (fully clothed) participant is 127kg. Participants confirmthat they do not exceed this weight. If you have any concerns we advise that you visit aFluidity Freerun Academy Site at a time prior to your booking and speak to a member of theFluidity Freerun Academy team. Fluidity Freerun Academy recommends that if you haveweight related concerns you should consult your health services provider and receivemedical clearance before participating in an Activity at Fluidity Freerun Academy.Participants are advised to use the park and the obstacles within their ability. If you areunsure as to whether you can complete a manoeuvre, you should not attempt it.

If participants have medical concerns they are advised to consult their doctor beforeattending. Participants will be required to certify in Fluidity Freerun Academy that, to thebest of their knowledge, they do not suffer from any medical condition or other reasonwhich may prevent them from participating in any of the Activities or which would make itmore likely that they would be involved in an incident which could result in injury tothemselves or others. For clarity, if you are pregnant, have a heart condition, or wearingany form of plaster cast, you are not allowed to participate in any of the Activities.Participants at Fluidity Freerun Academy are personally responsible for their own personal well-being.

Participants need to be able to see similar distances to those required to drive a car inorder to be able to participate in an Activity and/or to supervise anyone in their care.Consequently, short or long-sighted participants must ensure that they wear contact lensesor prescribed glasses.Anyone who does not meet the requirements in respect of an Activity will not be allowed toundertake that Activity. It is your responsibility to ensure that all participants in your bookingmeet these requirements.

Fluidity Freerun Academy reserves the right to refuse admittance to participants or toremove a participant from the Site should Fluidity Freerun Academy deem it necessary todo so. This includes a participant who does not comply with the Site Rules advice orinstructions of any Fluidity Freerun Academy personnel or a participant whose behaviour isconsidered unsafe or who is thought to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Allparticipants are required to act responsibly and courteously at all times and to respect otherparticipants and Fluidity Freerun Academy personnel. Fluidity Freerun Academy shall beentitled to prevent any person from undertaking or completing the Activities in the event itdeems the behaviour of any participant unsuitable. The decision of the Manager on duty willbe final.

Participants must be dressed appropriately (please see the FAQ’s section of our website atwww.fluidityfreerunacademy/faq ) Any participant who is not appropriately dressed may bedenied access.No refunds or compensation will be payable by Fluidity Freerun Academy in the event thatany participant is not permitted to, or decides not to, undertake or complete the Activities forany reason.


Subject to any terms agreed in writing between Fluidity Freerun Academy and you,our charges for all activities and all ancillary products (such as Fluidity FreerunAcademy merchandise) shall be calculated at our current rates from time to time. Allcharges include VAT.

Payment shall be made in full at the time of booking and can be made by using a debit cardor credit card. All payments are made directly to the Fluidity Freerun Academy who operatethe Site which you have booked at. No booking payments are made to or received byFluidity Freerun AcademyFluidity Freerun Academy reserves the right to change its prices at any time. Though anychange in price will not affect any Activities which have already been booked and paid for infull at the time that the change in price becomes effective.


Fluidity Freerun Academy requires 7 days’ notice before the booked start time to provide afull refund for any cancellations for bookings of 9 participants or fewer. Any cancellationsoccurring with less than 7 days’ notice yet more than 24 hours’ notice will be offered atransfer to another Activity, or the same Activity but a different date and time or a credit notefor the value of the booking.

This requires the participant to specify an alternative Activity or date and time for theirbooking. With less than 24 hours’ notice all cancellations will not receive a refund or transfer.

Fluidity Freerun Academy requires 14 days’ notice to provide a full refund for anycancellations for parties or any group bookings for 10 participants or more. Anycancellations occurring with less than 14 days’ notice yet more than 7 clear days’ notice willbe offered a transfer to another Activity, or the same Activity but a different date and time ora credit note for the value of the booking. This requires the participant to specify analternative Activity or date and time for their booking. With less than 7 days’ notice allcancellations will not receive a refund or transfer.

Any cancellation pursuant to points 4.1 and/or 4.2 must be made by visiting the relevantsite or emailing the relevant site who’s email address is available at[www.fluidityfreerunacademy.co.uk].

The terms of points 4.1 to 4.3 shall apply notwithstanding if your booking takes place withinthese time periods.Fluidity Freerun Academy shall be entitled to cancel your booking at any time. In the eventthat Fluidity Freerun Academy decides to cancel your booking it shall use its reasonableendeavours to notify you as soon as possible. In the event of cancellation under this point,you shall be entitled to transfer your booking to another date by time or to another Activitybut no other compensation or refund shall be payable by Fluidity Freerun Academy.

Payments made by debit or credit card will be refunded to the same card or as a BACsbank transfer.No refunds will be given for transactions made by gift vouchers. Bookings which were madeby gift vouchers and which are cancelled pursuant to points 4.1, 4.2 and 4.5 of these termsand conditions may be transferred to another date and time.No refunds will be given for events outside of Fluidity Freerun Academy control relating toCovid-19. Any booking effected by changes in legislation will be offered a reschedule or giftcard credit.

Where multiple forms of payment are used, Fluidity Freerun Academy reserves the right torefund any monies due by debit or credit card.


Subject to the terms of these terms and conditions, we shall provide the Activities toyou at the Fluidity Freerun Academy site that you have booked at and as set out inthe booking confirmation.

Fluidity Freerun Academy shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that you andmembers of your booking’s participation in an Activity commences at the time booked. Werequire you and the participants in your booking to report to reception at the Site at least tenminutes prior to your booking time. Late arrivals may not be permitted to undertake theActivities and no refunds or compensation will be payable in each circumstance.Any Fluidity Freerun Academy merchandise you have ordered online may either be pickedup on site or will be posted to you as requested. Please note all postage may take up to 14working days to be delivered. If after which the product has not been delivered, pleasecontact Fluidity Freerun Academy by email or phone stated on the websitewww.fluidityfreerunacademy.co.uk


Fluidity Freerun Academy, employees, directors and agents are not liable to you, theparticipants in your booking, or your or their dependants or legal representatives for anyclaim for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, including without limitation personalinjury or financial loss or damage, whether such liability arises in breach of contract, tort(including negligence), statute or statutory duty save that nothing is intended to nor shalllimit the liability of Fluidity Freerun Academy in respect of death or personal injury causedby the negligence of Fluidity Freerun Academy or of its employees, agents or contractors oraffect the statutory rights of any person dealing as a consumer.

Fluidity Freerun Academy will not be held responsible for the loss or damage of or to any ofyour or the participants in your booking’s property or personal belongings during your visitto the Site or arising from the booking of or participation in the Activities. Personalpossessions are brought into the venue entirely at the owners’ risk.

Parking facilities are available at the Site and any vehicles and their contents are left at theowners’ risk and are subject to any conditions and the payment of any fees as may berequired by the provider of such facilities at the Site. The Business Estate Fluidity FreerunAcademy is situated has parking controls and automatic number plate readers. Customersand consumers can stay for a maximum of three hours before the number plate is flaggedand a penalty is issued.

Fluidity Freerun Academy voids all responsibility of this and all issues will have to be takenup with the landowner and parking monitor provider. For paying customers, clients, orpartners who wish to stay longer than three hours, you will need to give your number platedetails to a member of staff to strike off the list ahead time.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Fluidity Freerun Academy LTD, including theiremployees, directors and agents are not liable for any injury, loss or damage (includingdamage to property or personal belongings) directly or indirectly arising out of or inconnection with the use of any arcade or other games machine owned or supplied by athird party.


If an event outside of Fluidity Freerun Academy reasonable control takes place that affectsthe performance of Fluidity Freerun Academy obligations under these terms andconditions, Fluidity Freerun Academy will contact you as soon as reasonably possible andFluidity Freerun Academy obligations under these terms and conditions shall besuspended for the duration of the event.
If an event outside of the Fluidity Freerun Academy’s reasonable control, which means that Fluidity Freerun Academy will not be able to provide the Activities in accordance with yourbooking, takes place before the commencement of your booking, you may cancel yourbooking and the Fluidity Freerun Academy will provide you with a full refund.

If it proves necessary to close the Site or cancel any Activities for reasons beyond thereasonable control of Fluidity Freerun Academy and in circumstances where your partyhas commenced participation in the Activities, you shall not be entitled to any refund (in partor in whole). In such circumstances the Fluidity Freerun Academy may, but shall not beobliged to, offer alternative dates or times at reduced rates.


If you have any questions or if you have any complaints,please contact the Fluidity Freerun Academy managementteam with whom you have booked. Contact details can befound on Fluidity Freerun Academy website[www.fluidityfreerunacademy.co.uk]


Nothing in these terms and conditions shall confer on anythird party or any benefit or right to enforce any of these terms and conditions.Each of the paragraphs of these terms and conditions operates separately. If any courtor relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphswill remain in full force and effect.

If Fluidity Freerun Academy fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations underthese terms and conditions, or if Fluidity Freerun Academy does not enforce its right sagainst you, or if it delays in doing so, that will not mean that it has waived its rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. IfFluidity Freerun Academy does waive a default by you, it will only do so in writing, andthat will not mean that we will automatically waive any later default by you.

These terms and conditions are governed by English and Welsh law. You agree tosubmit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.


It shall be the responsibility of all participants to ensure that they are dressed appropriatelyand Fluidity Freerun Academy advises participants to wear clothing appropriate for theactivity and which they do not mind getting damaged. In particular the following restrictionsshall apply:

  • Long hair must be tied back
  • No belts, jewellery or other sharp items of clothing that may cause damage toyourself, the equipment or other participants.
  • Fluidity Freerun Academy will not be responsible for any damage to or loss ofclothing or other personal items resulting from participation in the Activities.


Fluidity Freerun Academy LTD take the wellbeing of all staff and fellow participants seriously.Following COVID-19 we have carried out several changes within our business and meet allregulatory guidelines. For further information on what we are doing to help reduce the risk oftransmission please ask a member of Fluidity Freerun Academy and they can talk through the detail.

If you or any member of your household or “bubble” has shown COVID-19 Systems within thelast 7-days you must not attend our premises and follow Government Guidelines. Refunds willnot be given if you ignore this agreement and participate.At Fluidity Freerun Academy we take your health and safety seriously. We wish to highlight thatany of the activities available can be potentially hazardous physical activities and thatparticipation can lead to a risk of injury and even death.I, the Participant or Parent/Guardian of Participant(s), confirm as follows:

  • 1. I understand and accept that in participating in activities at Fluidity Freerun Academythat there is an element of danger and risk of physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, ordamage to me, to property or to third parties including participant(s) and others andconsequently the participant(s) is/are to undertake to use Fluidity Freerun Academy equipmentand facilities (the “Facilities”) and to conduct themselves while on Fluidity Freerun Academy’spremises, in a sensible and responsible manner and in compliance with all notices, instructionsand directions as published or displayed from time to time and in compliance with anyinstruction given to the participant(s) by an authorised person in Fluidity Freerun Academy’scontrol. I understand that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardising theessential qualities of the activity. The risks include, among other things and without limitation:

    Risk of cuts and bruises. Other more serious risks exist as well. Due to the nature of theactivities there is a risk that participants may fall off equipment, and sustain sprains or breaks,or could suffer more serious injuries. Transitioning between obstacles carries the possibility ofany manner of accidents. Similar risks are also inherent in using the Foam Pit, ScaffoldingBars, Wooden Obstacles, Movable Equipment i.e Vaults, Spring Boards, Boxes, Tyres,Tiles. I expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all the risks existing in this activity.My participation in this activity is purely voluntary, and I elect to participate despite the risks. Iwarrant that I will only undertake obstacles and challenges that are within my ability level andthroughout which I will be able to maintain control.

    1. I understand that the activities provided by Fluidity Freerun Academy require areasonable level of fitness and agility and I warrant that I am fit and able to participate. I alsowarrant that the participant(s) is/are in a good state of health and free from any injury, medicalcondition, disease or illness which may be aggravated by participating in activities that makes itdangerous for me to partake in such activities I expressly agree and promise to accept andassume all of the risks associated with the activities.

    Additionally, the participant(s) recognises that such a breach in this term is dangerous or mayincrease any risk of injury to the participant(s) or others or make more likely that theparticipant(s) will be involved in an accident which could result in any form injury during theactivity.
  • 1. I acknowledge that the activities provided by Fluidity Freerun Academy are not availableto pregnant women and that by accepting these terms I confirm that the participant(s) is/are notpregnant.
  • 2. I acknowledge that cosmetic body enhancements including but not limited to false nails,non-removable jewellery and other surgical additions could cause injury to the participant(s) ofany activities. Fluidity Freerun Academy strongly advises any participant(s) to remove these ifpossible before participating or not to participate, as Fluidity Freerun Academy will not be heldaccountable for any injury caused to the participant(s).
  • 3. I acknowledge and agree that the participant(s) is/are responsible for their own safetyand the safety of others whilst participating in activities. I understand that the activities may beundertaken without direct supervision following safety instructions and agree that theparticipant(s) will at all times wear any protective equipment provided by or required by FluidityFreerun Academy to be worn and will ensure that the participant(s) complies/comply with allinstructions given at any time during the activities by Fluidity Freerun Academy, by any of itsstaff, media or signage
  • 4. I agree that the participant(s) shall not participate in any activities provided by FluidityFreerun Academy unless the participant(s) has/have undertaken Fluidity Freerun Academy‘sSafety Briefing or been made aware verbally of the Park Rules or been directed to the signagerelating to the Park Rules in relation to the activities and confirm that the participant(s) willcomply with these at all times whilst on the premises from which the activities will be carried
  • 5. I agree that the participant(s) will only attempt obstacles and challenges that are withinthe participant(s)’s skill and fitness levels and of which the participant(s) is/are able to retaincontrol of at all times. That the participant(s) will also only use features that the participant(s)has/have the ability to use within the participant(s)’s skill and fitness levels. Obstacles andchallenges are undertaken entirely at the participant(s)’s own risk and I will not hold FluidityFreerun Academy liable for any injury the participant(s) may attain whilst participating in theseactivities.
  • 6. I agree and promise to ensure the participant(s) accept(s) to be responsible for any andall risks existing and subsisting in the activities. I acknowledge that participation in the activitiesis voluntary and that the participant(s) elect(s) to participate despite of the risks and agrees toaccept the consequences of so doing.7. That the participant(s) will not use Fluidity Freerun Academy’s facilities and activitieswhilst under the influence of any drugs or alcohol.
  • 7. That the participant(s) will not use Fluidity Freerun Academy’s facilities and activitieswhilst under the influence of any drugs or alcohol.
  • 8. That I will fully indemnify Fluidity Freerun Academy, its agents and employees againstany claim brought by a third party for loss, damage, injury or death which has been caused byany action or omission of mine or any act or omission of any participant(s) of which I am thelawful parent or guardian or any participant(s) whose supervision is wholly or partly myresponsibility at the time of the relevant act or omission that would, if they had agreed to thesame with full capacity to do so, amount to a breach of these Terms and Conditions or whichamounts to negligence or a wilful act or omission.
  • 9. That when accompanying a child or children under the age of 13 years, I will comply andensure that the child or children are safe and looked after. I will be present on site at all timesand will not leave them unattended.
  • 10. I confirm and agree that the participant(s) will comply with all age, height & weightrestrictions specified by Fluidity Freerun Academy from time to time. The participant(s)acknowledge(s) that if they do not comply with any of these restrictions or any otherrequirements put in place by Fluidity Freerun Academy from time to time, they will not be ableto participate in the activities and agree that they will promptly withdraw upon request byFluidity Freerun Academy.
  • 11. I acknowledge that nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to avoid liability,on the part of Fluidity Freerun Academy, for personal injury or death caused by the negligenceof wilful act of its authorised person or agents.
  • 12. I and as parent or legal guardian of any accompanying children give consent and agreeto Fluidity Freerun Academy photographing and/or recording(s) myself and any accompanyingchildren and to use any such photographs and/or recording solely and only for Fluidity FreerunAcademy advertising or promotional purposes. Myself and any accompanying minors herebywaives any right to inspect or approve the use of any such material and acknowledge andagree that the rights to use such material shall not require payment or compensation of anykind to be made by Fluidity Freerun Academy to myself and/or any accompanying children. Iam fully aware that I must contact a manager of Fluidity Freerun Academy if I do not wish to bea part.
  • 13. Should Fluidity Freerun Academy or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incurlegal fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to Indemnify and hold them harmless forall such fees and costs. This means that I will pay all those legal fees and costs myself.
  • 14. The participant(s) consent(s) and agree(s) to the use by Fluidity Freerun Academy ofCCTV monitoring for training, health and safety, safeguarding and security purposes.
  • 15. Fluidity Freerun Academy consents to the participant(s) and accompanying members oftheir group undertaking photography for their own non-commercial purposes only and for noother purpose whatsoever. However, the participant(s) and accompanying members of theirgroup are not to use any drone type equipment at Fluidity Freerun Academy, without seekingthe correct permit(s), having the required training, license(s) and Insurance, with supportingdocumentation being available, to operate the equipment, before seeking the approval of thesenior management at Fluidity Freerun Academy.
  • 16. The participant(s) acknowledge(s) that Fluidity Freerun Academy is not and shall not beliable for any damage or loss to themselves, any third parties or property incurred whilst theparticipant(s) is/are undertaking the activities or are on the premises of Fluidity FreerunAcademy.
  • 17. That I may be asked for proof of I.D at any age. I must be able to produce documents ifnecessary. Failure to do so can result in being refused to partake in activities.
  • 18. I confirm that I have read the above and adhere to the guidance set by the staff.
  • 19. I confirm I am over the age of 16 years, signing for myself as a participant and/or as theParent/Guardian of (a) participant(s) under the age of 16 years old. I give my consent forparticipants age 13+ to attend the site unaccompanied subject to a valid participant agreementbeing in date.
  • 20. In consideration of not being required to sign a fresh copy of this PARTICIPANTAGREEMENT before each visit, I further agree that this PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT shallapply to all visits within the next 12 months by me and by the minor participant in full. Byclicking the box below this document, I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property damagedduring my participation in this activity, I may be found by a court of law to have waived my orthe minor participant’s right to maintain a lawsuit against Fluidity Freerun Academy or anyPARTIES that are bound by the PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT on the basis of any claim fromwhich I have released them herein. I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entiredocument prior to signing it and I have read and understood it and acknowledge that I havebeen recommended to seek legal advice prior to doing so, and I agree to be bound by its termsand further agree that in relation to any legal matters the laws of the United Kingdom shallapply.
  • 21. I agree, consent and understand that my Personal Data (as defined in the General DataProtection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) and the subsequent UK Data Protection Legislation) is to be held and controlled by Fluidity Freerun Academy and that this is contractual provision between us both. I also confirm that I am happy for any and all Personal Data in their possession to be passed to any third party for medical purposes in the event that it becomes necessary. I confirm that I have read and understood the Privacy Statement contained within.