Note: Where we refer to 'parents' we mean parents and carers inclusively. The term 'children' or 'child' describes any person under the age of 16.

Any participant attending sessions at Fluidity Freerun Academy must adhere to all of the bellow rules and codes of conduct.


You must participate in a safety brief and have a valid waiver before gaining access to the Academy facilities.

Do not leave the premises without an adult. Adults please ensure children are checked out when appropriate, with a member of staff.

Have a valid waiver and ensure you have listened to a Safety Brief before every visit to Fluidity Freerun Academy.

Please allow plenty of time to get checked in and receive a safety brief. Those attending late to a class could be denied entry if they have missed the warm up period.  

Comfortable clothes, with plenty of breathable layers in winter (as it gets chilly), clean (ish) trainers. No boots, crocs, flip flops or anything unsuitable.

You must respect all participants, coaches & staff at all times.


Respect all of your class mates and treat everyone equally, fairly as you would want to be treated yourself.

Report any incidents of bullying to a member of staff, even if you're just a witness.

Make sure you have listened to the Safety Brief and adhere to these rules at all times.

Help make our classes a welcoming and friendly place to be.

Support and encourage your class mates. Tell them when they've done well and be there for them when they're struggling.

Drinks and food to be consumed in Front of House area only.

Don't litter, and help to clean up after class - respect your training space! Page


Enjoy the time you spend with us and know that you're safe.

Have clear guidance on what you can or can not do.

Be listened to.

Be included no matter of race, gender or sexuality or ability.

Be involved and contribute towards decisions within the class where appropriate.

Be respected by us and other class mates and be treated fairly.

Feel welcomed, valued and not judged based on your race, gender, sexuality or ability

Be encouraged to develop skills with our help

Be looked after if there's an accident or injury and understand our recommendations come from a qualified position of care.

We expect all young people to follow the behaviours and requests set out in this code. If any young person behaves in a way which contradicts any of the points set out above, we'll address the problem straight away with parent's involvement and aim to resolve the issue.

Continued Issues And Repeated Breaches Of This Code May Result In Us Regrettably Asking You To Leave The Activity, Event Or Club Permanently, For The Welfare Of Other Young People And Our Staff. This Is Something We Never Want To Do and will take many steps before banning a participant.


Note: Where we refer to 'parents' we mean parents and carers inclusively. The term 'children' or 'child' describes any person under the age of 16.



Make sure your child has appropriate clothing and foot-ware and access to liquids.

Try your best to make sure your child arrives to sessions on time and is picked up promptly; or let us know if you're running late or if your child is going home with someone else.

Complete all relevant waiver forms and check in for each session at the front desk.

Feel free to speak with your Childs coach or management about anything of concern, progress or any health/ behavioural issues.  

talk to us if you have any concerns about any part of your child's involvement - we want to hear from you that it understand that it is normal and natural for children to pick up bumps, bruises, sprains and minor injuries from time to time while participating in sport.  

Do not hesitate to pick up the phone and ask for the manager on site to discuss your Childs needs.  


Try and learn about your child's activity and what it means to them

Take the time to talk to your child about what you both want to achieve through sport·

Remember that children get a wide range of benefits from participating in physical activity, like making friends, getting exercise and developing skills.

Listen when your child says they don't want to do something

Let your children know you're proud of what they're doing

Think about how the way you react and behave effects not just your child but other children too

Encourage your child to respect and celebrate difference in the club

Lead by example when it comes to positive behaviour; or let other parents take their cues from you, as well as from us

Accept the coaches decisions as professionals and experts in their field and treat our staff with respect and courtesy at all times.

Use social media responsibly when talking about what goes on at our club by behaving in the same way online as you would in person

Talk to your child about embracing good etiquette and sportsmanship

Ensure that your child understands their code of conduct


Be assured that your child is safeguarded during their time with us

See any of our policies and procedures at any time

Know what training and qualifications our staff have

Be informed of problems or concerns relating to your child

Know what happens if there's an accident or injury, be informed if your child is injured and see records of any accidents

Have any concerns about any aspect of your child's welfare.

We expect all parents to follow the behaviours and requests set out in this code. If any parent behaves in a way which contradicts any of the points set out above, we'll address the problem straight away with the parent and aim to resolve the issue. Persistent concerns or breaches may result in parents being asked not to attend sessions or our facilities if their attendance is considered a risk to the welfare and enjoyment of young participants.

Continued issues and repeated breaches of this code may result in us regrettably asking your child to leave the activity, event or club permanently, something we never want to do .