Privacy Policy

Prrivacy Policy

This Privacy Notice sets out how Fluidity Freerun Academy (the Data Controller) collects and uses your personaldata. When we refer to “we”, “us” “our” or “controller” in this Privacy Notice we mean Fluidity Freerun Academy.
Fluidity Freerun Academy has a legal obligation to comply with relevant data protection legislation when we collectand use your personal data, in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the UK Data ProtectionAct 2018 (DPA18), and the Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR).
Our Privacy Notice is set out so you can easily find the specific details of what we do with your personal data. Part 1of our Privacy Notice is information we must tell everyone regardless of our relationship with you. Parts 2 to 5 givespecific information on how we use your personal data for the different services processing activities we undertake.


Our contact details.
Fluidity Freerun Academy is the data controller for the personal data we process about you.
You can contact us regarding the use of your personal data via one of the following ways:

  • Postal Address: Unit G, St Catherines Park, Pengam Road, Cardiff, CF242RZ
  • Telephone: 02920 470535
  • Email:

Our Data Protection Officer contact details.

We do not have a legal obligation under GDPR to appoint a Data Protection Officer. However, a member of our teamdoes oversee our data protection compliance. The various ways you can contact us to discuss any data protectionissues or concerns are shown in the “Our contact details” section.
How we get your personal data
We generally obtain personal data directly from you when you:

  • enquire about the facilities and services we offer;
  • book and use any of the facilities and services we offer;
  • sign up to receive our newsletters and promotional offers;
  • apply for a job with us; and
  • provide a service to us as one of our suppliers.

If you are coming to a birthday party or corporate event it is likely that we will obtain your name (in some cases thismay only be a first name) from the person who has made the booking.
The legal basis to process your personal dataWhen obtaining and using your personal data we must have a legal basis to do so – this is a requirement of dataprotection law.
The legal basis we rely on to process your personal data varies depending on the facility you are using and therelationship we have with you, e.g. using the park, attending a fitness class, receiving marketing, applying for a jobwith us, etc. Generally, we rely on contractual obligation or legitimate interests to process your personal data. The fulldetails of these and the other legal basis we rely on to process your personal data are given in Parts 2 to 5 of thisprivacy notice.
We may also need to share personal data when required to do so by law, in such cases the legal basis we will rely onis legal obligation.Sharing your informationWe do not share, sell or rent your personal data to third parties for them to use for their own marketing purposes.We do not transfer your personal data outside of the UK or the EU.
Children’s information
We collect and process the names and dates of birth of children who use our facilities. We require to know ages ofchildren as we have facilities that are only available for certain age groups.
We may also use images of children using the facilities at specific events to publish on our social media sites topromote such events. We will only publish images where we have obtained the specific consent of theparent/guardian to do so.

CCTVWe operate CCTV on our premises for security and health and safety purposes. We have CCTV cameras on theentrances and exits to our premises and within key internal non-public accessible areas.We operate a free wi-fi service for individuals to use whilst enjoying our park and facilities. To access the wi-fi you willneed to provide your email address only.
This will only be used to allow you access to the wi-fi network only.Visitors to our websiteIn operating our website we may collect your personal data using varioustechnologies and means, such as:
We generally obtain personal data directly from you when you:

  • Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and Web logs; and
  • Cookies.

IP Addresses and Web Logs

An IP address is assigned to your computer each time that you access the Internet. This allows your computer tosend and receive data. Generally, every time you connect to the Internet, your IP address changes. However, thereare some circumstances when your IP address is fixed, for example with some broadband connections. A fixed IPaddress can be associated with your computer and may, therefore, amount to your personal data.

Web log information is non-personal data that is collected by the computer that hosts the site each time you visit.Examples of the type of information that can be collected using your IP address and/or web log information includedetails of the date and time that you visited the site and the type of Internet browser and computer operating systemthat you used. We, including some of our data processors, use your IP address and/or web log information to collectand report aggregate information on how the site is being used and ways in which the site can be improved.Generally, we use Google Analytics to collect standard internet log information and details of website visitorbehaviour patterns.We will always tell you when we collect your personal data through our website.


Our website uses cookies, some of which are necessary for functionality, security and accessibility. For all optionalcookies we will ask for your consent to use these. To find out more about how and why we use cookies and to changeyour cookie preference please read our Cookie Policy.
Links to other websitesOur website may provide links to websites of other organisations. Our Privacy Notice does not cover how thoseorganisations process your personal data when you visit their website. We advise you to read their Privacy Notices.Your rightsDepending on the purpose and legal basis we rely on for processing your personal data, there are various rightsavailable to you.
You can:

  • access the personal data we keep about you and be given specific information about the processing. Thisright always applies regardless of the processing activity we undertake.
  • ask us to rectify personal data we hold about you that you think is inaccurate. This right always appliesregardless of the processing activity we undertake.
  • ask us to delete your personal data but only when specific circumstances apply.
  • ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data but only when specific circumstances apply.
  • object to the processing when we have relied on legitimate interest to undertake that processing activity andyou believe we have infringed your rights.
  • transfer your personal data from us to another service provider or give it to you. This right only applies topersonal data you have given to us and when the processing is based on your consent or contractual basisand the processing is automated.

We do not undertake any solely automated decision making about you with the personal we process.
To find out more about how to exercise your rights please refer to the guidance on the Information Commissioner’sOffice website -
You do not have to pay a fee to us to exercise any of your rights. However, if your request is manifestly unfounded orexcessive we may either charge a reasonable fee or refuse the request.
We shall respond to a valid request within one month of receiving it.
If you wish to exercise one of your rights, please contact us via one of the methods shown in the “Our contact details”section.
How to make a complaint about us to the Information Commissioner’s OfficeWe keep our Privacy Notice under review to ensure it remains accurate and up to date and we reserve the right tomodify this policy at any time. Changes to this policy will be posted on this site and you should endeavour to reviewthe policy frequently.

If you have any questions about our Privacy Notice, please contact us via one of the methods shown in the “Ourcontact details” section.This Privacy Notice was last updated in January 2022.


TAKE PART IN ONE OF OUR CLASSES (including children’s classes)
What personal data do we need?
We will collect some or all of the following personal data from you, depending on the facility being used:

  1. Full Name (of individual making the booking);
  2. Postal Address (of individual making booking, it is required for online booking only to verify payment details);
  3. Email Address (of individual making the booking);
  4. Mobile and/or landline telephone numbers (of individual making the booking, required to notify you of anychanges to fitness classes and birthday party/corporate event reminder information);
  5. Date of birth (of all those using the facilities);
  6. Health/medical information of a child (for those using the child fitness classes);
  7. Name of birthday child (for birthday party events only);
  8. Names of children attending a birthday party;
  9. Any other information you may choose to share with us.

How do we get your personal data?
We usually obtain the information directly from you when you purchase your ticket via our on-line booking system oron the door.
If you attend a corporate event, we may, where necessary, have obtained your information from the person makingthe booking.We will gather children’s data from their parent/guardian.Why do we need your personal data and which legal basis do we rely on for the processing?We need your personal data to:

  1. process your booking to use the park and fitness facilities, including birthday parties and corporate events;
  2. process your membership application;
  3. invite members to specific events included with the membership package;
  4. send you relevant marketing information, including promotions and news of upcoming events.

The legal basis we rely on are:

Consent (GDPR Article 6(1)(a))

We require the consent of the parent/guardian to:

  1. deliver a fitness class specifically for children;
  2. use their child/children’s images on our social media sites.

The legal basis we rely on are:

Contractual obligation (GDPR Article 6(1)(b))

When you either request information about our park and facilities or book tickets to use the park and facilities wehave entered into a contractual obligation with you to provide the service you have paid for.The personal data we obtain to process your enquiry about our park and facilities is necessary in order to take stepsat your request prior to entering into a contract with you.The personal data we obtain to process your booking to use our park and facilities and to provide you with serviceupdates in relation to that booking is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you have entered into.We require certain information from you to enable us to fulfil our pre-contractual and contractual obligations. If youare not able to provide all the necessary information we need we may not be able to process your booking and youwill therefore not be able to use the park and our facilities.

Legitimate Interest - GDPR Article 6(1)(f)

GDPR allows us to rely on legitimate interests for direct marketing purposes. We have undertaken a legitimateinterest assessment, which balances our business purposes for the processing against your right to privacy. Theoutcome of the balancing test justifies our use of legitimate interests for this purpose as it would not be anunreasonable expectation for anyone who has enquired about our park and facilities or made a booking to use thepark and facilities to receive information from us relating to upcoming events, promotional offers, and generalinformation about what we are doing.This also complies with e-Privacy laws, currently the Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, whichgoverns how a business can undertake electronic direct marketing. We can rely on soft opt-in for individual customersto undertake email marketing to both existing and prospective customers.We always give you the opportunity to object to receiving marketing communications from us, when we first collectyour personal data and with every marketing communication thereafter. You can change your marketing preferencesat any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the marketing email you receive or by contacting us via one of theways shown in the “Our contact details” sectionWho do we share your personal data with?
Your personal data is used by internal employees, contract/agency/freelance staff for the purposes as set out in “whywe need your personal data”.How long do we keep your personal data?We keep booking information for 2 years from the date of the booking before it is securely destroyed.We retain your contact details for as long as you want to receive marketing information from us.Do we use any data processors?Yes, we use:

  1. Roller - used to process online and on the door ticket purchases.
  2. BrainTree- used to process card transactions for any payments you make, e.g. ticket purchases, foodpurchased at our on-site café.


What personal data do we need?
To sign up to receive our fantastic news, offers, and general information, we will need your:

  1. Full name;
  2. Email address; and
  3. Facilities you are interested in.

How do we get your personal data?
We gather your personal data directly from you when you sign up online to receive marketing information from us.Why do we need your personal data and which legal basis do we rely on for the processing?We need your personal data to be able to send you marketing information by email.The legal basis we rely on is:

Consent (GDPR Article 6(1)(a)

By submitting your contact details to receive marketing from us you have given your consent for us to use yourpersonal data for this purpose.You always have the right to withdraw your consent to receive marketing, you can do this by clicking the“unsubscribe” link in the marketing email you receive.Who do we share your personal data with?Your personal data is used by internal employees and contract/agency staff for the purposes as set out in “why weneed your personal data”.How long do we keep your personal data?Marketing contact details are held for as long as you want to remain on our marketing contact list.